Referrals & Admissions
If you would like to find out more about referrals and admissions at Creative Care then please call us on 01623 392 555 or email at enquiries@creativecare.org.uk.
Making contact with Creative Care is the first step of the referral process. Members of our Team are specially trained in Autistic Spectrum Disorders and have a thorough knowledge of our services. You will be able to discuss your client or family member in confidence with a professional who will be your key contact during the referral process.
We undertake pre-admission assessment for all clients in order to establish their needs, abilities, risks and to identify which of our services we feel would be the most appropriate.
All pre-admission assessment requests must be made by a care professional responsible for the individual`s care. We are happy to arrange for families and care professionals to visit our Homes to meet our management and staff teams.
Referral Process
Our Management Team will work with the individual`s referring team and family to ensure a smooth and successful referral and transition into one of our Homes. We understand that not every referral can be planned and that some people with Autism may present in a state of crisis requiring urgent admission to a place of safety. In these circumstances we will aim to provide a rapid, accessible and responsive service.
Admission Criteria
Most people admitted to Creative Care`s services will have a primary diagnosis of Autism or Asperger`s syndrome, or exhibit autistic traits and tendencies.
People come to Creative Care from a variety of different environments including residential schools, residential homes and parental homes, supported living and secure hospitals.
We are a specialist provider and support individuals aged 18 years and over; especially young people in Transition from Children`s Services to Adult Services; with a primary diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. They may also be experiencing mental health issues, have a learning disability, a forensic history or demonstrate complex challenging needs. We now have two specialist homes for mental health issues.
Our staff teams work holistically with each person, their family and care professionals to create a proactive care and support plan that meets their unique and individual needs and enables them to develop skills and competencies, social awareness and anxiety reducing skills.
To find out more about referrals & admissions please get in touch.
Assessment & Transition
The starting point to a successful outcome is an in-depth and Needs-Led Assessment. This is what Creative Care provide and at no cost to commissioning authorities. Our Needs-Led Assessment allows us to fully understand both the current needs of each person referred and their future aspirations. This is also the first step in building a Person-Centred Plan, a Positive Behavioural Management Plan, Risk Assessments and Risk Management Plans.
Successful transitions are crucial to a successful placement and we offer and provide the transition process that is right for each person. This has often required our staff to work alongside staff in a current placement to ensure the discharge and admission process is as seamless as possible; with the least amount of stress for the individual.