Orchard End

We have 0 bed vacancies at the moment

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Orchard End is a six bed modern detached property located in Retford. The town centre is a short walk away with great access to local countryside, scenic walks and the historic Chesterfield Canal which is a three-minute walk, giving good community access.

Orchard End boasts an enclosed private garden providing a safe environment in which to relax and have fun. There are three spacious and inviting communal lounges, six large bedrooms with ample storage and walk in wardrobes.

Orchard End supports people with mental health conditions and associated conditions such as autism and learning disability, which focus on self development and a pathway back into the community.

The Registered Home Manager is NVQ5 qualified and has a wealth of experience in working with people who demonstrate complex needs such as mental health conditions, personality disorder and schizophrenia.

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Mark Crabtree (Registered Manager)

Michelle Tickle (Assistant Manager) 

Email: enquiries@creativecare.co.uk

Orchard End
88 Welham Road
DN22 6UG

Tel: 01777 701 102

Google Map Link